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Featured Artists

  • Thunder-df 38 x 48
  • Blush of Dawn - 30 x 72 inches wide - Oil on Canvas - Framed
  • A Haven Where Our Spirits Soar' - 30 x 40 in. wide - Oil on Canvas

David French

David French

Hi its David, I have been obsessed with art in its many forms from a young age growing up in Toronto. As a self taught artist I have painted my whole life and been influenced by well known artists like Charles Vickery, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, to other more current artists such as Robert Bateman and Andrew Tischler. Due to the challenge of raising a family I had to make the decision to pursue a business career while developing works in varied artistic formats from stain glass, encaustic wax, and acrylics but always returning to landscape as a subject of choice.

I find the versitility of acrylics makes it a perfect medium of choice for me.

As a Landscape artist my style tends toward the impresionist. I find while working on a landscape there is a hightened connection with the pure beauty, emotion and an awareness for the natural world. I strive to capture this feeling and to share it with others in the hope they will experience something similar.

I love the process of  bringing a subject of beauty that I have observed in nature and then expressing that vision on canvas and sharing it with others. This can only be achieved by opening myself up to the nuance and beauty in nature that is everywhere around us.




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